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Cum să evidențiați celula activă sau selecția în Excel?

Dacă aveți o foaie de lucru mare, poate vă este greu să aflați dintr-o privire celula activă sau selecția activă. Dar, dacă celula / secțiunea activă are o culoare remarcabilă, să afle că nu va fi o problemă. În acest articol, voi vorbi despre cum să evidențiați automat celula activă sau gama selectată de celule din Excel.

Evidențiați celula activă sau selecția cu codul VBA

săgeată albastru dreapta balon Evidențiați celula activă sau selecția cu codul VBA

Următorul cod VBA vă poate ajuta să evidențiați dinamic celula activă sau o selecție, vă rugăm să faceți următoarele:

1. Țineți apăsat butonul ALT + F11 tastele pentru a deschide Fereastra Microsoft Visual Basic pentru aplicații.

2. Atunci alege Acest manual de lucru din stânga Explorator de proiecte, faceți dublu clic pe acesta pentru a deschide fișierul Module, apoi copiați și lipiți următorul cod VBA în modulul gol:

Cod VBA: Evidențiați celula activă sau selecția

Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Update 20140923
Static xLastRng As Range
On Error Resume Next
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
xLastRng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
Set xLastRng = Target
End Sub


3. Apoi salvați și închideți acest cod și reveniți la foaia de lucru, acum, când selectați o celulă sau o selecție, celulele selectate vor fi evidențiate și vor fi mutate dinamic pe măsură ce celulele selectate se schimbă.


1. Dacă nu găsiți Panoul Project Explorer în fereastră, puteți face clic Vizualizare > Explorator de proiecte în Fereastra Microsoft Visual Basic pentru aplicații să o deschidă.

2. În codul de mai sus, puteți schimba .ColorIndex = 6 colorează la altă culoare care îți place.

3. Acest cod VBA poate fi aplicat tuturor foilor de lucru din registrul de lucru.

4. Dacă există câteva celule colorate în foaia de lucru, culoarea se va pierde atunci când faceți clic pe celulă și apoi mutați în altă celulă.

Articol asociat:

Cum se evidențiază automat rândul și coloana celulei active din Excel?

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I had the same problem, read the whole page and comments. While thinking to apply it or not, I was just randomly clicking on number and letters to select the whole column and rows. Then suddenly highlight of selected cell feature came back :)
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Hello, if someone can help me... I pick up this code in internet (apologies to the owner). It does almost what i need but this code select the entirerow. What i need is a change that alow to select just the first two cells of the row of the activecells. When i click in the cell, i need that the cell of the column "$I16" and "$J16" (16 is the first line of my table) of that row became interior color (=9359529). The code is this: 
Dim lTarget As Range

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Row >= 16 Then

If Not lTarget Is Nothing Then

lTarget.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If

Target.EntireRow.Interior.Color = 9359529

Set lTarget = Target
End If
End Sub

Can you help me? I had try to change this code but the only thing i can as the select the interior color of the cell target and not the column "$I" and "$J" in that specific row.Thank you for your help.
Luis Lopes
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I know that you proposed a solution but the solution comes with another problem as you described below: "The only problem with having this code active is that you can no longer change the active cell color as it changes back to what it was before you clicked it. I suggest that if you need to change the highlight colors on the sheet, do so with macros disabled or change the sub name for a second so it doesn't trigger when you are clicking on cells". This is not an acceptable alternative for me. I need to be able to change the colors in the cells when the macro is active. Do you have a solution for this this problem. If you come up with a solution for this problem please republish your corrected macro the new macro in full (rather than proposing patches to your original macro because I am technically challenged as far as macro are concerned).
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I tried your macro by copying and pasting it into my Excel file. I did change one thing in the macro though. I changed the color index from 6 to 24 (to a color different than the colors I am currently using in my macro). It worked very nicely and I liked it a lot but then started causing a problem for me. I have a lot of cells filled with with colors in my Excel. The macro started removing the color fill from every cell touched. I don't know how to stop the macro's this odd behavior. I did not have any choice but to remove the macro from my file. I still like to use this macro if someone can help me to fix it.
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That was super helpful, thank you.
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Anyway you can do the left adjacent cell to highlight instead of active cell? Or a range of cells around the activecell?
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Thank you, but use this with caution. It has the undesirable counter effect of not letting undo. Is there any solution for that?
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But i am unable to do undo option and lose the previously assigned cell color also.
Please provide solution
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Perfect solution as I always tend to loose the track of the highlighted cell during "Find and Select" operation. Thanks a lot.
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Great!! But what if I don't want to lose the previously assigned cell color? That would be greater to know.
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Use a conditional format on the cells you want to protect.
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Instead of "ColorIndex" which has a limited set of 255 values (meaning any custom colors are lost), use "Color" instead. You'll need to store the old value in a new static long variable and also generate the highlight color you want with the RGB function. The only problem with having this code active is that you can no longer change the active cell color as it changes back to what it was before you clicked it. I suggest that if you need to change the highlight colors on the sheet, do so with macros disabled or change the sub name for a second so it doesn't trigger when you are clicking on cells, then just rename it back to normal to "re-activate" it. Here is my code:

Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

Static xLastRng As Range
Static xLastRngColor As Long

On Error Resume Next

xLastRng.Interior.Color = xLastRngColor
xLastRngColor = Target.Interior.Color
Target.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) 'compose whatever highlight color you want with RGB values, I am using yellow here
Set xLastRng = Target

End Sub
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work.... great...
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Yes, I would like to know this as well. How would you keep the previously selected cells highlight for tracking purposes?
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See my comment above.
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