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Cum să vlookup pentru a returna mai multe coloane din tabelul Excel?

În foaia de lucru Excel, puteți aplica funcția Vlookup pentru a returna valoarea potrivită dintr-o coloană. Dar, uneori, poate fi necesar să extrageți valori potrivite din mai multe coloane, după cum se arată în următoarea captură de ecran. Cum ați putea obține valorile corespunzătoare în același timp din mai multe coloane utilizând funcția Vlookup?

doc vlookup mai multe coloane 1

Vlookup pentru a returna valorile potrivite din mai multe coloane cu formula matrice

Vlookup pentru a returna valorile potrivite din mai multe coloane cu formula matrice

Aici, voi introduce funcția Vlookup pentru a returna valorile potrivite din mai multe coloane, vă rugăm să faceți acest lucru:

1. Selectați celulele în care doriți să puneți valorile potrivite din mai multe coloane, consultați captura de ecran:

doc vlookup mai multe coloane 2

2. Apoi introduceți această formulă: =VLOOKUP(G2,A1:E13,{2,4,5},FALSE) în bara de formule, apoi apăsați Ctrl + Shift + Enter cheile împreună, iar valorile potrivite formează mai multe coloane au fost extrase simultan, vezi captura de ecran:

doc vlookup mai multe coloane 3

notițe: În formula de mai sus, G2 este criteriul pe care doriți să returnați valori, A1: E13 este gama de tabele din care doriți să căutați, numărul 2, 4, 5 sunt numerele de coloane din care doriți să returnați valori.

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Comments (15)
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how can i search for multiple lookup value?for eg: these two arrays shows diff freq coumn,gain,veritcal BW,tolerance etc.I want to get an average values gain and 3db can i enter the formula
y1    1800    7.5dBi +/- 2.9    22.1° +/- 6.8        7.5
y1    1900    7.6dBi +/- 3.0    18.9° +/- 3.6        7.6
y1    2100    6.7dBi +/- 2.6    17.7° +/- 3.6        6.7
y1    AWS    7.2dBi +/- 2.8    20.4° +/- 9.4        7.2
y1    2300    8.3dBi +/- 3.6    15.8° +/- 1.6        8.3
y1    2600    7.9dBi +/- 2.4    17.1° +/- 1.7        7.9
y2    1800    6.9dBi +/- 1.4    27.1° +/- 10.8        6.9
y2    1900    6.9dBi +/- 1.5    23.0° +/- 12.5        6.9
y2    2100    7.6dBi +/- 2.3    21.7° +/- 19.6        7.6
y2    AWS    8.0dBi +/- 2.5    23.3° +/- 13.8        8
y2    2300    7.7dBi +/- 1.6    15.9° +/- 5.9        7.7
y2    2600    6.5dBi +/- 2.3    14.5° +/- 3.9        6.5
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I have many rows with same value but need to get multiple value after look up, I need to get two different EO ref , how can U##TRX EO
HXPRE-MQ1371 AB0024822
HXPRE-MQ1371 AB0024822
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Thank you!! The { } of the columns is what I was missing. Appreciate this page!
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Thanks! Super helpful, when other online options weren't
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What if you need to have multiple rows as well? Ex. find all the FF-1006-18 rows while still only bringing back column B, D, and E.
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Hello, Shelly,
Maybe there is not a direct formula for helping you, but, you can apply the below array fromula to get all matching values from the entire row, and then delete or hide the unwanted column as you need.
=INDEX($A$2:$E$10, SMALL(IF($G$2=$A$2:$A$10, ROW($A$2:$A$10)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$A$10))+1, ""), ROW(B1)),COLUMN(B1))
Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys to get the first cell and then drag the fill handle to right and then drga down to get all corresponding values.

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Thanks! This was really Helpful!
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This method does not work. Even if it did, it is not the proper method.
Example of correct method is:
VLOOKUP($A2:$A1093, '[Workbook1.xlsx]Sheet2'!$A$2:$D$111,COLUMN(G2),FALSE)

Make sure you add $ before the column letter of your lookup reference to make sure it remains static, once done, using the filler button on the selected target cell, drag right to the corresponding number of columns.
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This comment is exactly what I needed
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How can I do this using 2 different spread sheets?
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Hello, Lana,
The above formula in this article also can help you to get the results in another worksheet, you just need to change the cell reference as follows:
Please remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct results.
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
To apply this formula, first, you should select the multiple cells where you want to output the results, and then copy the formula into the formula bar, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the results.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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This is great. How do I carry this formula down if I have 10,000 rows? I've tried a few ways but of course it's changing the formula on me.
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Hi, Scully,
To apply this formula to multiple rows, you just need to change the relative cell reference to absolute reference, as this: =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$A$1:$E$13,{2,4,5},FALSE).
Please try this, hope it can help you!
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