Marți, 15 martie 2022
  1 Răspunsuri
  5.5K vizite
Salut baieti,

I need a help from our community in a project. Please help me :)

Topic: Data Entry for a patient.

I work in a hospital and I need to keep the record of the medicines which I dispense to a specific patient.

De exemplu:

Patient ID 1234 was dispensed 10 tablets of Amoxycillin, 20 Tablets of Paracetamol and 5 Tablets of levocetirizine.
Patient ID 5678 was dispensed 15 tablets of Amoxycillin, 5 Tablets of Dexamethasone and 2 Tablets of Albendazole.

And 500-700 patients per day like them.

Now I want to get a database at the end of the day which can tell me the patient wise consumption and specific drug consumption so that I can keep a record of the same at the end of the day.

I am not that much technically sound but I hope you guys will understand my pain and help me with an excel module or anything like data entry tool to get me out of this problem.

p.s. I have about 300 medicines in my hand.
de ani în urmă 2
Hi anonymousgirl,

To do so, you can make a table to record per day as shown in the picture below:
Note: The numbers are examples, so don't copy them.

After you finish the information (name and price) of all the drugs and patients, you should first make a copy of it. Then in the cell I3 (in this example), enter the formula: =SUMPRODUCT($B$2:$H$2,B3:H3); enter =SUM(B3:B11)*B2 in the cell B12 (in this example).
Note that you should change $B$2:$H$2, B3: H3 și B3: B11 according to the actual ranges in your table. (The dollar signs added to the range reference make the it absolute, so do not delete them.)

After entering the two formulats, drag or copy the cell I3 to below cells, drag or copy the cell B12 to right cells.

Then you can record for the day and see the consumptions automatically updated.

Sper că acest lucru vă poate ajuta.

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