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Imprimați rapid comentariile exportând toate comentariile într-un fișier Word nou, Excel sau Txt din Word

Presupunând că doriți să imprimați toate comentariile numai într-un document Word, poate fi necesar să exportați toate comentariile într-un document nou înainte de a imprima toate comentariile în Word. Cum se exportă toate comentariile într-un document nou? Kutools pentru Cuvânt'S Exportați comentarii utilitarul poate exporta rapid toate comentariile într-un document nou.

Imprimați numai comentariile exportând toate comentariile într-un fișier Word, Excel sau Txt

Clic kutools Plus > Export Import > Exportați comentarii. Vedeți captura de ecran:

Imprimați numai comentariile exportând toate comentariile într-un document nou

Presupunând că doriți să imprimați doar toate comentariile așa cum se arată în captura de ecran de mai jos, puteți exporta rapid toate comentariile într-un fișier Word nou, Excel sau Txt, și apoi tipăriți imediat comentariile. 

comentarii la exportul fotografiilor 6

1. Deschideți documentul pe care doriți să exportați toate comentariile, apoi aplicați utilitarul făcând clic pe Kutools Plus> Export Import > Exportați comentarii.

2. În Exportați comentarii caseta de dialog, vă rugăm să efectuați operațiunile de mai jos:

  • Vă rugăm să alegeți intervalul din care doriți să exportați comentariile, puteți selecta întregul document, selecția curentă sau pagina curentă.
  • Și apoi, specificați tipul de fișier exportat, documentul Word, registrul de lucru Excel sau fișierul TXT după cum aveți nevoie.

comentarii la exportul fotografiilor 2

3. Apoi apasa Crea , veți obține următoarele rezultate:

Exportați comentarii într-un nou document Word:
comentarii la exportul fotografiilor 3
Exportați comentarii într-un nou registru de lucru Excel:
comentarii la exportul fotografiilor 4
Exportați comentariile într-un nou fișier TXT:
comentarii la exportul fotografiilor 5

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Comments (12)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Can I please request these improvements:

Save Location: Allow the user to specify the folder to save the file to. The Default would be the folder the document is currently in.

Save Filename: Allow the user to specify the folder filename to save as.

Other features in your software have this capability for their respective functions.
Rated 5 out of 5
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When I saved comments as a text file, its file name was in Chinese Characters: 导出批注.txt

As too was its folder name:

Documents\Kutools for Word\导出批注

This looks like a bug/error.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Est-il possible d'exporter également le texte qui a été surligné et qui a fait l'objet d'un commentaire ? 
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Hello friend,

Glad to help. Our Export Comments feature currently only supports exporting comments, not text with comments. But we will improve this feature in the future, so stay tuned.

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Avez-vous trouver une solution pour exporte le texte avec son commentaire ?
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Hello friend,

Glad to help. Our Export Comments feature currently only supports exporting comments, not text with comments. But we will improve this feature in the future, so stay tuned.

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Hi, When I try to export some comment in a separate document then a message is prompt "This action cannot work in a document which is Read only, Protected and Track Revisions". But non of these option is true for my word file. What should I do? Regards, Ehsen
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Hello Ehsen,

Sorry for the late reply. I know how to fix the "This action cannot work in a document which is Read only, Protected and Track Revisions" problem. The reason for the problem is that the comment is still in editing mode or track mode when you apply our Export Comments feature. Even after you have already pressed Ctrl+Enter to post the comment, as long as the text and the comment box are highlighted, the comment is in track mode.

so all you need to do is move your cursor away to other areas of the document, then it is not in track mode anymore. You can now use our feature perfectly. Please have a try.

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Three years later I have the same problem. I see no answer.
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Hello Steven,

Sorry for the late reply. I know how to fix the "This action cannot work in a document which is Read only, Protected and Track Revisions" problem. The reason for the problem is that the comment is still in editing mode or track mode when you apply our Export Comments feature. Even after you have already pressed Ctrl+Enter to post the comment, as long as the text and the comment box are highlighted, the comment is in track mode.

so all you need to do is move your cursor away to other areas of the document, then it is not in track mode anymore. You can now use our feature perfectly. Please have a try.

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Same for me... The export comments feature is useless!
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Hello Robert,

Sorry for the late reply. I know how to fix the "This action cannot work in a document which is Read only, Protected and Track Revisions" problem. The reason for the problem is that the comment is still in editing mode or track mode when you apply our Export Comments feature. Even after you have already pressed Ctrl+Enter to post the comment, as long as the text and the comment box are highlighted, the comment is in track mode.

so all you need to do is move your cursor away to other areas of the document, then it is not in track mode anymore. You can now use our feature perfectly. Please have a try.

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