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Cum se umbră o celulă pe baza unei alte valori a celulei în Excel?

Să presupunem că doriți să umbriți o celulă (spune A1) cu o anumită culoare de fundal dacă celula B4 îndeplinește criteriile cum ar fi o anumită valoare sau valoarea este mai mare sau mai mică decât un anumit număr. Ce ai face? Acest articol vă va arăta metoda.

Umbrește o celulă pe baza unei alte valori a celulei cu Formatare condiționată

Umbrește o celulă pe baza unei alte valori a celulei cu Formatare condiționată

Puteți face după cum urmează pentru a umbri o celulă pe baza unei alte valori a celulei în Excel.

1. Selectați celula (spune A1) pe care doriți să o umbrați pe baza unei alte valori a celulei, apoi faceți clic Formatarea condițională > Noua regulă în temeiul Acasă tab.

2. În Noua regulă de formatare casetă de dialog, trebuie să:

  • 2.1 Selectați Utilizați o formulă pentru a determina ce celule să formatați opțiune în Selectați un tip de regulă cutie;
  • 2.2 Dacă doriți să umbriți celula A1 când valoarea lui B4 este mai mare de 500, atunci introduceți formula = $ B4> 500 în Formatează valorile în care această formulă este adevărată cutie;
    sfaturi: dacă doriți să umbriți celula A1 când B4 are o anumită valoare, cum ar fi „test”, utilizați această formulă = $ B4 = „test”. Puteți modifica variabila din formulă pe baza nevoilor dvs.
  • 2.3 Faceți clic pe Format buton pentru a specifica o culoare de fundal;
  • 2.4 Faceți clic pe OK când revine la butonul Noua regulă de formatare căsuță de dialog. Vedeți captura de ecran:

Apoi, puteți vedea că celula specificată este umbrită pe baza valorii unei alte celule, așa cum se arată în imaginea de mai jos.

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Comments (17)
Rated 4 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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I just wanted to leave my experience after reading the comments left here when in need of accomplishing entire columns needing to correlate to their respective rows under another column.
I hope I can help out the community for anyone else in search for answers with the same needs as I had.

This example is if you need each cell to act independently according to a cell in its own respective row. For example: Looking at row 4 I need my cell in column H to change color based on a value in column F (still in row 4). Lets say in this case I need H4 to change when the word Complete is entered in F4. (But I need this rule to apply for all rows. -Lets say I have 104 rows total.)

Conditional Formatting: New Rule > "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" - Format values where this formula is true: (enter the following) =$F1:$F104="Complete" (-Choose Format desired)
(We now need to add the cells this new rule applies to, enter the following) =$H$1:$H$104 > Apply > OK

You should now have independent rows formatting cells in column H dependent on the value "Complete" being entered in cells in column F.
Rated 4 out of 5
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I have two column Buy Units (A) and Sell unites (B). When typing sell units B column, If B1>A1 return red font in B1 value. (To say that there is typo= you can not sale more unit than you have got) FOR EACH TRANSACTIONS. Meaning same to be applied for B2>A2, B3>A3., B4>A4... I do not want to keep typing Conditional Formating for each single cell, just want to COPY and Paste. This seems relatively easy ask but taking me a toll! Can you please help?
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Yes I want learn/ know this
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How do I solve this ?
and say 4 rows with values as below.


Values in Columns PERSON1 to PERSON4 should match against corrresponding row in CORRECT_ANS. If value is same, then Cell color to be GREEN, else RED.
So in 1st case, PERSON3 and PERSON4 cell should be GREEN, rest RED. Similarly 2nd row, PERSON2 and PERSON4 gets GREEN, rest RED, and so on.
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what if I want a cell to be shaded based on the presence or absence of text in a different cell?
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If you want the condition to format several cells on the same row, select them all and use the formula =$J1="your_text_here"
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HI what if I want to condition a cell based on the presence or not of text in a different cell?
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To apply this to multiple rows, use the same formula (Excel automatically continues the formula with relative values).
e.g. for the following sheet,
1| 0 0
2| 0 1
3| 1 0
4| 1 1
to make A1 depend on B1, and A2 depend on B2, and so forth, use =$B1=0. To make all the cells in A depend on one cell in B, use =$B$1=0, and to make the cells in A depend on the cells in the next row of B, use =$B2=0 (with the A cells selected from A1).
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Ho do I apply this rule by row
For example, I want Cell I2 to be formatted by G2. I3 by G3 and so on
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Hey for doing it by row, let's say I want to make A red when B > 0.

For that I would go to A, and enter the formula =B:B > 0

That's how you would do this
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I want to dpo the following. Help me out.
A1 to be green if B1>0
A2 to be green if B1>0
A250 to be green if B250>0

I am unable to copy the formula to all the rows.
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How can we apply the rule on multiple cells with a single formula? Applying the rule on every single cell will be a hectic job.
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How might i format column N to be shaded according to value in column L? (Eg higher red, lower blue, equals green, no value - no shading)
Can i write a formula for column N in conditional formatting?

DD 0.2 0.8

AM 0.8 1.0

TB 1.0 1.0

AM 1.0 1.0

TB 0.6 0.8

AM 0.4 0.4

AM 0.8 0.8

Any help appreciated
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Hi Deb,
Sorry can't help you with that. Thank you for your comment.
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Hey Deb and Crystal,

For doing it by row, let's say I want to make A red when B > 0.

For that I would go to A, and enter the formula =B:B > 0

That's how you would do this
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i want to know formula for color change of cell on basis of two different cell values
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Hi Manish,
Please try this formula =AND($A2="KTE", $B2>100)
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